How to Write Great Text Ads

Choosing keywords and writing text ads are the essential part. Of an sem campaign, but if you’re wonder how you can set yourself. Apart from other ads, the answer doesn’t happen by itself. What you’ll learn is that. Just like some keywords are better than others, there are also some ads that. Perform better than others. Understanding what it takes to create quality text ads is the difference. Between an average sem campaign and a campaign that increases. Traffic to your site, generates more leads, and spread more brand awareness.

If you joined me for my last blog, “6 tips to choose great keywords,” we discussed some. Simple tips that you can use when picking out the keywords you want for your advertisements. We discussed the different types of keywords, how to relate. To your target audience, and how to build a quality keyword list. Feel free to click the link above to read my last blog, or you can. Also watch my video on choosing keywords below.

In my today blog, I’m going to show you how to take that new. And improved keyword list of yours and use it to make great text ads.

Below is an example of an ad for joe’s plumbing

Now that you understand the different parts of a text ad, I’m going to break down each element and tell you some best practices that you can use as you build your sem campaign. Let’s get started.

Usually in blue, the headline of your ad will attract the most attention and is limited to 25 characters. In an average text ad, the headline is the only thing on the ad that is clickable in the text ad itself.

Headline tips:

Pull from your keyword list and include buy telemarketing call list them in your headline. You’ll notice in the example above, the keyword “plumbing” is used in the headline to attract the attention of people looking for plumbers or a plumbing service.
Ask a question in your headline. According to a wordstream article, leveraging user intent is crucial to increasing conversion rates.
Display url
The display url, usually in green, shows your website address. It gives people an idea of where they’ll go when they click your ad.


This is also an opportunity to send people to a more specific page on your site

A longer url can send people to a landing page on your site.
You are able to specify where on the IT Cell Number website you are sending the searcher.
The description lines are used to highlight details about your product or services. In a text ad, you’re given two description lines that can have a max of 35 characters each. The limited number of characters forces you to think about the message you’re trying to promote. Take your time to think about function of your ad.

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