Only Their Distinctive Features

Such devices are not use by ordinary people but only by government organizations or corporations for specific tasks. For example infrastructure providers put them as servers in data centers and banks use them to quickly process and encrypt transactions. For the convenience of working with mainframes terminals or terminal devices for entering data and displaying […]

At The Moment We Will Not Go Deep

However Kubernetes is not a panacea you can develop a containerize service but if it is small and light it may be better to run containers in Docker and not overbrain. More about microservice architecture and monolith → Manage Kubernetes is useful when company employees lack the experience of administering Kubernetes clusters and the skills […]

One Of The Most Important Advantages

Integration Telephone and now video communication has always been and remains one of the most important tools for doing business. The engineers who develope the new standards could not ignore this. Switching to PBX and IP telephony is a good solution in terms of optimizing workflows because. PBX can be combine with other systems that […]